The ad below is not affiliated with INTEGfilms or any of our film productions.
The ad above is not affiliated with INTEGfilms or any of our film productions.
WHAT: Film staring Stefani Zabner & John Rutland and produced by Kahil Dotay. BONUS: a 25% discount on all food menu items at Cinebistro.
WHERE: Cinebistro at the Stoney Point Fashion Park in Richmond, VA
WHEN: Thursday, June 23rd, 2011, Noon.
WHO: This is the first viewing for just about everyone involved: the actors, crew, etc.
WHY: Anyone can have a boring nightime premiere in a musty smelling movie theatre. Why not have it at an upscale restaurant theatre, during the day, during your business lunch?
NOTE: This film contains nudity and adult language. No one under 21 will be admitted.
Frank and Flo is based on the true story of two strangers who woke up next to each other married. It’s a heart-warming drama.
There are only 75 tickets available. Buy today by Clicking Here.
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